Generic QR Code Scanner

by Jason K.S.L.L.



Scan QR codes and Barcodes with this easy to use tool.Reasons why you might want to use Generic QR when theres already a bajillion other scanners:- You feel like it- Only needs Camera permission- No extraneous features that you probably dont want and require all sorts of permissions(like Contacts and WiFi for a barcode reader... whaaaaat?).- Simple to use- Lightweight- No AdsGeneric QR also has the standard Code Scanner features including, but not limited to:- Recognizing what type of data is in the QR/Barcode and offering contextual actions like: - Adding to contacts - Opening web links - Dialing/Messaging phone numbers - Web search on the detected text - Sending emails- Flashlight & Autofocus- Save and Share scanned codes- Scan History- 2D Code scanning(QR, Data Matrix, etc.)- 1D Code scanning(UPC, Code128, etc.)